Consulting Services

Information Security, Risk Management, and Data Compliance Services


WIRED Security Incorporated can help you meet your information security needs by providing innovative security programs best suited for your business. We offer a wide range of consulting services such as social engineering prevention, security assessments, compliance services, security program policy & procedures development. Contact us and we will connect you with one of our expert information security consultants!

IT Disaster Recovery Planning & Consulting

Organizations of all types depend on critical technology infrastructure and data for maintaining business functionality and operations. Formulating an effective disaster recovery strategy and developing a flexible plan to recover/restore critical assets and data can greatly reduce the impact and recover your business quickly.

Business Continuity Consulting

Business Continuity Planning is crucial for maintaining functionality following business interruption. Identifying business functions and the risks, threats, and potential impacts associated to them is the first step towards continuity and resiliency planning. Implementing effective strategies and pre-establishing policies and procedures for prevention, detection, response, recovery, crisis management and communication provide greater assurance for recovery.

At WIRED Security, we develop customized Business Continuity Plans (BCP) and IT Disaster Recovery Plans (IT-DRP) solutions and also assist with training, testing, and assurance programs to help your organization. We build plans from the ground up, enhance existing plans, and even maintain plan viability and effectiveness as your organization grows.

Information Technology Consulting

WIRED Security helps our customers achieve operational excellence by transforming their IT service practices and procedures into highly mature best practices. The services are aimed at standardizing our client's IT operational processes and aligning them to best enterprise grade practices in the areas of people, processes, and technology (PPT).

Our IT Service Management practice extends our expertise to our customers by leveraging on 25+ years of experience in planning, building, and managing IT infrastructure and services using the ITIL methodology.

Risk Assessment & Management Programs

Risk Assessments are the foundation for identifying the maturity of your security program. Understanding what level your organization is at is vital to the overall information security program and roadmap for success.

WIRED Security works to ensure through validation and formalized testing, that your security level is calibrated to your business goals. When combined with penetration testing, risk assessments can be the most comprehensive assessment in identifying the effectiveness of your overall information security controls.

Additional Services

Data Compliance

Government regulations are frequently changing and growing more complex. WIRED Security works with you and your team to determine which approach is best and then turn those requirements and regulations into competitive advantages for your business. Whether your enterprise is struggling with reaching CCPA, NCUA, GLBA, GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, ISO, SOC2, NIST, or PCI requirements, we will provide our expertise to help you choose the best strategy.

Information Security

With technology and cloud adoption continually advancing, it is important for businesses to secure their information and protect themselves from potential data breaches. WIRED Security provides a diverse selection of information security programs to assist your business keep information from being compromised. We specialize in security policy & procedure program development, data protection, and security assessment services.

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